Singing Guide: Tommy Quickly

Singing Guide: Tommy Quickly

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Tommy Quickly is a British singer-songwriter, best known for his association with The Beatles. Quickly recorded several singles under the production of George Martin, and his distinctive voice quickly won him a following. If you are looking to learn how to sing like Tommy Quickly, there are a few key elements to consider.

Tommy Quickly has a unique voice that is both powerful and emotive, and his style is heavily influenced by rock and roll and R&B. In order to sing like Tommy Quickly, it's important to focus on developing a strong, dynamic voice that can convey a range of emotions and styles.

One of the best ways to develop your singing voice is to start with the basics. Singing Carrots offers several resources that can help you get started, including the vocal range test, the pitch accuracy test, and the vocal pitch monitor. These tools can help you determine your vocal range, improve your pitch accuracy, and monitor your progress over time.

Once you have a good understanding of your vocal range and basic pitch control, you can start to work on Tommy Quickly's unique vocal style. One of the key elements of his singing is his powerful chest voice, which allows him to hit high notes with ease. Singing Carrots offers several tools to help you develop your chest voice, including chest voice exercises and vocal warm-ups.

Another important aspect of Tommy Quickly's singing is his use of vibrato, which adds depth and emotion to his performances. Singing Carrots offers several resources to help you develop your vibrato, including articles on singing with vibrato and vibrato exercises.

In addition to developing your vocal technique, it's also important to study Tommy Quickly's songs and performances in order to get a better sense of his style. Some standout tracks that showcase his unique voice and style include "You Might As Well Forget Him," "Kiss Me Now," and "Tip of My Tongue."

With the right resources and a commitment to practice, it is possible to learn to sing like Tommy Quickly. Check out Singing Carrots' vocal training resources, and start practicing today!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.